Lettuce talk about the Inventory of your Produce to be more Efficient!
How do you manage your product stock? Time is of the essence with perishable foods. Do you have a front-end system like WooCommerce that is powered by WordPress to drive your traffic to with up-to-date inventory numbers? Do you also have an Enterprise back-end system like ServiceNow that will help fulfill all of those requests? ServicePress by Harmedia Studios, will address the disconnect between ServiceNow and WordPress via our Certified Application in the ServiceNow store.
The goal is to not only know where your products are located at all times and alert your customers (next step of supply chain) to make sure they can plan accordingly, but to REDUCE the manual efforts of updating inventory. Given that the food supply chain is critical to the functioning of our society, a lack of products and a lack of accurate information is a nightmare for all involved. Understanding your current stock levels at each stockroom is crucial to your knowing of what you need to order or transfer.
In the example below, we are looking at someone who ordered 4 apples, and we have 936 in stock. Those 936 apples could be in any location and it might be easier to transfer them from stock, but if you don’t have stock close by, ordering from a vendor might be the fastest option, given they are local.

Based on the information we have available, these are the five types of products offered by this Apple Store. If the person ordered a medley of apples, you could choose a package for them. Otherwise, provide a specific set of products based on the variables/variations.

Keeping track of the current process for each product ordered as it travels through the supply chain, can be near impossible without a Platform like ServiceNow. Production to Processing, on to Distribution and Retail. All food is local, eventually. Once you start factoring in the different environments, you can start to see how you aren’t just tracking the timing of your products, but the freshness based on factors below. More data in ServiceNow would mean more accurate reporting. ServicePress eats up stats for breakfast!
- Travel Distance
- Travel Conditions
- Storage Conditions
- Storage Time
- Location Grown vs Location Destination
- Time of Year
- Types of Produce
- Production Yield
- Visible Quality
- Weather
- Soil
- and more

In ServiceNow, you are able to replicate those points in the supply chain through the transfer or vendor process, for each step of the process. Knowing where each product is and how many in each stockroom will impact the core business.

At the end of the day, it is your business and ServicePress is here to help your business. We want to improve your efficiency and focus on reducing manual labor. ServicePress will be adding more features to our current fully functional integration, but more features are always better!
If you would like information or a Demo on ServicePress, reach out to info@servicepress.app or find us in the ServiceNow store.